hello...I'm one of those that the brother was talking about who became annointed and then left. I was a witness for 26 years. Became annointed 5 years ago then dropped out this last year. I'm sure it's very different with everyone but with me I was understanding through some of my music that I have that God was telling me I was annointed.
Star Moore
JoinedPosts by Star Moore
The 144,000 and what makes them tick.
by Clam ini havent been to a kh since i was a teenager and was always intrigued by the 144,000 and that some supposedly resided in my congregation.. questions about them were inevitably met with ambiguous answers.
"they just know they are" was a favourite reply when i asked how these "anointed ones" received their calling.
has anyone known any jws who reckon they're in the 144,000 club, and what makes them think they are?.
Need Recent Quotes: Who Will Survive Armageddon?
by cabasilas ini'm involved in a discussion with a jw who is highlighting a few statements in wt literature which indicates there may be some people who do not know of the jws (and possibly some children) who may be spared at armageddon.
he is saying this is the only real stand the witnesses take.
i'm thinking that there must still be some hard line statements in the wt publications which would indicate that only jws can hope to survive.am i mistaken?
Star Moore
Atlantis.....thanks so much for all that Research!!!!!!
Anyone here anointed??//
by Star Moore inhello friends, i would like to hear some stories of becoming anointed.
i have been for 5 years now.. been a christian for 26 years.
i dropped out of the watchtower in september and am learning in leaps and bounds since i left with my new eyes.
Star Moore
Little Toe, I was anointed the same year as you...(a witness for 26 years). I'm glad my husband is still with me. He was an unbeliever the whole marriage. I think the anointed and the great crowd and the ressurected ones will all be on the earth. I know it sounds like eliteism (responding to the comment on that) But there is no denying (I don't think) that there is one group who will reign and one group reigned over. ?? One group that are the brothers of Christ (in Math. 25) and one doing good to the brothers. Also the point of one group Jesus was speaking to and the (other) sheep not of that fold. One giving a glass of water, not losing their reward for it and one receiving the water, etc.
Any comments?? Little Toe? Any thoughts on the diety of Christ?
Anyone here anointed??//
by Star Moore inhello friends, i would like to hear some stories of becoming anointed.
i have been for 5 years now.. been a christian for 26 years.
i dropped out of the watchtower in september and am learning in leaps and bounds since i left with my new eyes.
Star Moore
Dear Heathen, It's wonderful to meet you, I had 2 different elders take me in the back room and tell me I wasn't anointed at 2 different times. I was full time pioneering. The scriptures say to test the inspired expression and if you are anointed the experience will be all good. If there is an evil twist then it's from the other guy. I'm thinking yours is from God. Did you drop out long after you had the experiences? Narkissos and I found it was our ticket out.
Anyone here anointed??//
by Star Moore inhello friends, i would like to hear some stories of becoming anointed.
i have been for 5 years now.. been a christian for 26 years.
i dropped out of the watchtower in september and am learning in leaps and bounds since i left with my new eyes.
Star Moore
Thanks for all your comments... VanGogh, I too think the kingdom will reign right here on earth, (you say, like the Unitarians?) I even think Jesus is a fleshly man @ his second coming.
Narkissos, I would definately like to agree with you, that everyone is anointed when they become a true christian. It seems logical, but my anointing is different from all my other friends, in or out of the JW's. I honestly don't know anyone except you and bennyk who are anointed in the way I am.
Oh, and to the last writer, that is odd about all those people becoming anointed. It happened around here too. Not that many though.
Who are the "Great Crowd" according to scripture?
by truth about the last days ini have found out something intresting in relation tto the "great crowd" rev 7. who are the "great crowd"?
i will post tomorrow and have fun.
Star Moore
I've come to believe the great crowd is people from every tribe, tongue and religion. People who are beating their swords into plowshares (for peace). I don't think they have to have accurate knowledge or be a Christian, just good hearted people. The kings and priests on the other hand, I believe have to be christian and baptized. Just a guess from my recent research.
Anyone here anointed??//
by Star Moore inhello friends, i would like to hear some stories of becoming anointed.
i have been for 5 years now.. been a christian for 26 years.
i dropped out of the watchtower in september and am learning in leaps and bounds since i left with my new eyes.
Star Moore
Dear Friends..Nark(thanks for your story). Also I feel that there are not too different hopes (as of lately). That both, will be on the earth. But will have spiritual bodies in the sense of perfect bodies, not bent toward sin. I think being anointed (to answer the new sister's question) is when the holy spirit opens your eyes wide open to the bible and you slowly start really understanding things. That's maybe why newly anointed ones sometimes get disassociated after.
Anyone here anointed??//
by Star Moore inhello friends, i would like to hear some stories of becoming anointed.
i have been for 5 years now.. been a christian for 26 years.
i dropped out of the watchtower in september and am learning in leaps and bounds since i left with my new eyes.
Star Moore
Dear Friends..Nark(thanks for your story). Also I feel that there are not too different hopes (as of lately). That both, will be on the earth. But will have spiritual bodies in the sense of perfect bodies, not bent toward sin. I think being anointed (to answer the new sister's question) is when the holy spirit opens your eyes wide open to the bible and you slowly start really understanding things. That's maybe why newly anointed ones sometimes get disassociated after.
Anyone here anointed??//
by Star Moore inhello friends, i would like to hear some stories of becoming anointed.
i have been for 5 years now.. been a christian for 26 years.
i dropped out of the watchtower in september and am learning in leaps and bounds since i left with my new eyes.
Star Moore
Hello friends, I would like to hear some stories of becoming anointed. I have been for 5 years now.. been a christian for 26 years. I dropped out of the watchtower in September and am learning in leaps and bounds since I left with my new eyes.
The Levitical Principle
by Naveel inthe levitical principle
"you shall not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
" - leviticus 19:19.
Star Moore
I have come to believe that Math. 24, Rev. and Daniel are being fulfilled now. In Math. 24, we are in the major fullfillment. I believe we are in the great tribulation and all the prophesies are coming true, with Bush as one of the star players.